Accreditation & Disclosures

Accreditation & Disclosures


Phoenix Institute of Herbal Medicine & Acupuncture and its following programs are accredited by the Accreditation Commission for Acupuncture and Herbal Medicine (ACAHM):

(1) Master of Science in Acupuncture
(2) Master of Science in Acupuncture and Herbal Medicine
(3) Doctor of Acupuncture-including a Doctor of Acupuncture degree completion track
(4) Doctor of Acupuncture with a Specialization in Herbal Medicine- including a Doctor of Acupuncture with a Chinese herbal medicine specialization degree completion track.

The programs listed above may offer courses via distance education.
ACAHM does not accredit any programs at the undergraduate/bachelor level.

Accreditation status and notes may be viewed on the ACAHM Directory at acahm.org/directory-menu.

ACAHM is recognized by the United States Department of Education as the specialized accreditation agency for institutions/programs preparing acupuncture practitioners. ACAHM does not accredit any programs at the undergraduate/bachelor level.

ACAHM is located at 8941 Aztec Drive, Eden Prairie, Minnesota 55347 phone 952-212-2434 web acahm.org/.

State Authorization Reciprocity Agreement (SARA)

The State Authorization Reciprocity Agreement (SARA) pertains to the approval of distance education courses and programs offered across state lines by postsecondary institutions that already have degree authorization in at least one state. SARA is a voluntary agreement among its member states and U.S. territories that establishes comparable national standards for the interstate offering of postsecondary distance-education courses and programs. The National Council for State Authorization Reciprocity Agreements (NC-SARA) provides national oversight for each NC-SARA-approved state. In Arizona, the Arizona SARA Council (AZ-SARA) provides statewide oversight for Arizona institutions.

Participation in SARA is voluntary for states and for institutions. SARA is intended to make it easier for students to take online courses offered by postsecondary institutions based in another state. SARA centralizes the authorization process for each institution in a single state called the institution’s “home state.” Colleges or universities in a SARA state therefore only need their home state authorization to offer distance education to students in any other SARA member state, subject to certain limitations.

PIHMA College and Clinic was approved by the Arizona SARA Council (AZ-SARA) and the National Council for State Authorization Reciprocity Agreements (NC-SARA) as a SARA institution on May 30, 2023.

For a list of approved states and state actions regarding SARA, please visit this page – https://www.nc-sara.org/sara-states

Students interested in taking distance education courses at PIHMA College and Clinic that are located in a state that has not yet obtained approval through NC-SARA should contact admissions at, admissions@pihma.edu.

For more information about SARA, please visit http://www.nc-sara.org/.

For questions pertaining to SARA compliance at PIHMA College and Clinic please contact Sonoran’s SARA liaison officer Debbie Major at dmajor@pihma.edu.

What States Can I Use My PIHMA Degree In?:
StateName and State Licensing BoardMSAc/DAcMSOM/DAcHM
Alabama*No Practice ActUndeterminedUndetermined
AlaskaDivision of Corporation, Business and Professional Licensing - Acupuncture DivisionMeetsMeets
ArizonaArizona Acupuncture Board of ExaminersMeetsMeets
ArkansasArkansas State Board of Acupuncture & Related TechniquesN/AMeets
CaliforniaDepartment of Consumer Affairs - Acupuncture BoardN/AMeets
ColoradoColorado Department of Regulatory Agencies (DORA) - Office of Acupuncture LicensureMeetsMeets
ConnecticutConnecticut Department of Public Health - Acupuncturist LicensureMeetsMeets
D.CDC Health - Acupuncture LicensingMeetsMeets (MSOM required to practice herbs)
DelawareDivision of Professional Regulation - Board of Medical Licensure and Discipline - Acupuncture or Eastern Medicine PractitionerMeetsMeets
FloridaDepartment of Health - Board of AcupunctureRequires Additional TrainingRequires Additional Training
GeorgiaGeorgia Composite Medical Board - Acupuncture DivisionMeetsMeets
HawaiiHawaii State Board of AcupunctureMeetsMeets
IdahoIdaho Board of AcupunctureMeetsMeets
IllinoisIllinois Department of Financial and Professional Regulation (IDFPR)MeetsDoes Not Meet
IndianaIndiana Professional Licensing Agency - Medical Licensing BoardMeetsMeets
IowaIowa Board of MedicineMeetsMeets
KansasKansas State Board of Healing ArtsMeetsMeets
KentuckyKentucky Board of Medical LicensureMeetsMeets
LouisianaLouisiana State Board of Medical ExaminersMeetsMeets
MaineDepartment of Professional & Financial Regulation - Board of Complementary Health Care ProvidersMeetsMeets (MSOM required to practice herbs)
MarylandMaryland Department of Health - State Board of AcupunctureMeetsMeets
MassachusettsBoard of Registration in Medicine - Committee on AcupunctureMeetsMeets (MSOM required to practice herbs)
MichiganDepartment of Licensing and Regulatory Affairs (LARA) - Michigan Board of AcupunctureMeetsMeets
MinnesotaMinnesota Board of Medical Practice - Acupuncture RegistrationMeetsMeets
MississippiMississippi State Board of Medical Licensure - Acupuncturist RegistrationMeetsMeets
MissouriMissouri Division of Professional Registration - Missouri Acupuncturist Advisory CommitteeMeetsMeets
MontanaMontana Board of Medical Examiners - Acupuncturist RegistrationMeetsMeets
NebraskaNebraska Department of Health and Human Services - Acupuncture LicensureMeetsMeets
NevadaNevada State Board of Oriental MedicineDoes Not MeetDoes Not Meet
New HampshireOffice of Professional Licensure & Certification - Board of AcupunctureMeetsMeets
New JerseyNew Jersey State Board of Medical Examiners - Acupuncture Examining BoardMeetsMeets (MSOM required to practice herbs)
New Mexico New Mexico Board of Acupuncture and Oriental MedicineDoes Not MeetDoes Not Meet
New YorkNew York State Education Department - Office of the Professions - AcupunctureMeetsMeets
North CarolinaNorth Carolina Acupuncture Licensing BoardMeetsMeets
North DakotaNorth Dakota Board of Integrative Health CareMeetsMeets
OhioState Medical Board of Ohio - Acupuncture RegistrationMeetsMeets (MSOM required to practice herbs)
Oklahoma*No Practice ActUndeterminedUndetermined
OregonOregon Medical Board - Acupuncture LicensingMeetsMeets
PennsylvaniaPennsylvania State Board of MedicineMeetsMeets (MSOM required to practice herbs)
Puerto Rico*No Practice ActUndeterminedUndetermined
Rhode IslandRhode Island Department of Health - Acupuncture LicensingMeetsMeets (MSOM required to practice herbs)
South CarolinaSouth Carolina Board of Medical Examiners - Acupuncture RegistrationMeets
South Dakota*No Practice ActUndeterminedUndetermined
TennesseeTennessee Health Professional Boards - Board of AcupunctureMeetsMeets
TexasTexas State Board of Acupuncture ExaminersN/AMeets
UtahDivision of Occupational and Professional LicensingMeetsMeets
VermontVermont Office of Professional Regulation (OPR) - AcupuncturistsMeetsMeets
VirginiaVirginia Board of MedicineMeetsMeets
WashingtonWashington State Department of Health - Acupuncture and Eastern Medicine Practitioner LicensingMeetsMeets
West VirginiaWest Virginia Board of AcupunctureMeetsMeets
WisconsinDepartment of Safety and Professional Services - AcupuncturistMeetsMeets
WyomingWyoming Board of AcupunctureMeetsMeets

*These states do not have an Acupuncture board. Students who plan to practice in these states may not be accepted into PIHMA’s programs. Please speak with an Admissions representative for more information.

PIHMA has other educational options to meet all levels of interest

PIHMA Center for Professional Education & Development offers a variety of continuing education and professional certification options.

Program Disclosures

How can I find out more about this career?

For more information about a career in Acupuncture and Chinese Medicine, please visit the U.S. Department of Labor’s O*NET website. The Standard Occupational Code (SOC) for the career is 29-1199.01 (Acupuncturists) and the Classification of Instructional Programs (CIP) code for this program is 51.3301 (Acupuncture and Oriental Medicine).

Federal Consumer Disclosure Information Regarding PIHMA Programs

PIHMA’s MSAc and MSAcHM programs are accredited by ACAHM. The college and all its programs are approved by the Arizona State Board for Private Postsecondary Education. For important information on program costs, completion and placement rates, median debt incurred, etc., please click on the following link:

Consumer Information

Per Arizona regulations, PIHMA’s graduation placement rate for the period ending June 2019 was 100%.

Arizona calculates placement rates using the formula below.

  • Placement Rate: (A + B)/(C-D) =  0
    • A = Based upon the total number of graduates during the reporting period, “A” is the number of graduates placed in their field of study.
    • B = Based upon the total number of graduates during the reporting period, “B” is the number of graduates placed in a related field of study.
    • C = Total number of graduates
    • D = total number of graduates “not available for placement” (i.e.due to health related situations, continuing education, military service).

Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA)