
Black Friday? How about Chill Friday?

Black Friday-Blog

Why face the stress of Black Friday when you can chill at home and get your gift-giving done?

Consider giving the Gift of Health with a package or gift card from the PIHMA Acupuncture Clinic.

Thoughtful gifts to show you care…available for Purchase Online in the comfort of your own home.
Great for stress and anxiety reduction when you receive it, the gift of an acupuncture session or more can also prevent the stress and anxiety of shopper traffic, crowded malls, and noise. Leave the stress behind and shop from the comfort of your home.

Already on the road? You can always call next week to take advantage of these great deals…and maybe schedule an appointment for yourself while you are at it!

Reach PIHMA Clinic next week at 602-274-1878 or order directly online right away!