PIHMA prepares all its students for a successful and fulfilling career in Acupuncture. There are thousands of practicing acupuncturists in the United States, many of whom operate their own practices. In recent years, Asian medicine has become more accepted by the general public, creating even more job opportunities. Also, with healthcare costs drastically on the rise, people are looking for a natural and more affordable option, creating a demand for holistic medicine and a positive career outlook for Acupuncturists.
Private practices, hospital and clinic opportunities, spa and wellness, franchising, teaching, and educational administration are all fields that are open to a graduate or licensed Acupuncturist.
According to Zip Recruiter, Acupuncturists can earn an average of $70,000 up to $130,000 a year depending on style and type of practice, hours worked, and location.
Most Americans suffer from chronic disease, pain, and aging, which is not often successfully addressed by conventional medicine. Also, the World Health Organization (WHO) estimates that 500,000 or more people die each year from drug use, 70% of which are due to opioids. Asian and Integrative medicine has been shown effective in treating a multitude of conditions like these and have helped people stay healthy.
A career in Asian Medicine gives people a way to help others in a natural, and healthy way. Our Alumni are saving lives without having to prescribe drugs that can be highly addictive and often come with harmful side effects.
With PIHMA, you can have a successful AND fulfilling career, knowing that you are naturally saving lives.
We are proud to announce that PIHMA has earned a 0% default rate on its student loans, which means our students have been able to pay back their loans on time. This means that our students are finding successful careers post-graduation.
Asian Medicine, Acupuncture, and other Integrative Medicines which are taught at PIHMA’s Center for Professional Education & Development (Homeopathy, Ayurveda, Biomedicine, etc.) are all based on the energy of life. Health is dependent upon the energy that flows through the body, mind, spirit, and environment. By acknowledging these dimensions in our training and how we deal with others, we are continually amazed at what we can accomplish.
“I pride myself on treating whatever condition or complaint my patients present with. There is a truly magical and amazing emotional pay-off when a patient relates changes in their life and mindset! I truly never imagined I could be so fulfilled and grateful while in service to mankind!!” – Alumnus, Robert Wood