Foundation Research
The mission of the Foundation Research is to support the Phoenix Institute of Herbal Medicine & Acupuncture and all its programs through research, library resources, international outreach, non-profit clinics, scholarships and fellowships.
The Foundation for PIHMA Research & Education was incorporated in Phoenix on February 23, 2001. The nonprofit was intended to provide support and funding for scholarships, research, library, medical clinics, education and charitable assistance to the general public. Designed as a nonprofit partner to the Phoenix Institute of Herbal Medicine & Acupuncture (PIHMA) which was established in 1996, the Foundation received federal tax exempt status as a 501(c)(3) on January 22, 2004, and was later confirmed as a public charity on May 2, 2006. Together, with PIHMA, the Foundation seeks to bring greater awareness of and support in Asian and traditional medicines to the public.
Since that time, the Foundation formed the National Library of Traditional Medicine (www.nloftm.org) to house and manage collections from several colleges, including PIHMA and the American Medical College of Homeopathy (AMCofH).
Most recently, the Foundation expanded its research capabilities with the assumption of the nonprofit Institutional Research Board (IRB) in homeopathy and the Non-Governmental Organization(NGO) of AMCofH (which was acquired by PIHMA in 2015). The IRB and NGO were since expanded to include acupuncture research and activities. The Foundation conducts research in acupuncture, homeopathy and for other projects.