PIHMA Student Opportunities
PIHMA offers its students many opportunities to expand their knowledge of Asian Medicine and grow their skill set. We strive to provide our students with the best opportunities as well as provide ample support in their studies.

PIHMA’s Integrative Clinic

PIHMA students earn their clinic hours in the PIHMA Clinic. Recently, we have added an Integrative Clinic section that allows students to observe our Homeopathic Clinic. We want our students to have a well-rounded education in Asian Medicine and are closely aligned with the American Medical College of Homeopathy (AMCofH) to bring our students the opportunity to observe Homeopathy consultations.
St Vincent De Paul Externship
PIHMA’s best doctoral students can apply for a clinic shift with Dr. Solos at St. Vincent de Paul. This exclusive shift allows our students to work in a fast-paced hospital setting. Patients at St. Vincent’s have serious medical conditions, such as stroke and paralysis, a wide range of neurological complaints, osteoarthritis, rheumatoid arthritis, fibromyalgia, and various musculoskeletal diseases. This gives our students the chance to see our medicines work on more serious conditions.

Free Tutoring

PIHMA wants all of its students to thrive in the classroom which is why we offer two free hours of tutoring per week. All you have to do is sign up and get the assistance you need!
Other Externship Opportunities
PIHMA students are able to earn clinic hours at other clinics. PIHMA is partnered with a few outside clinics that give PIHMA students a different clinical experience to make them more well-rounded interns. Students are also allowed to find their own externship clinic, however, it will have to be reviewed and approved.

Low Student to Faculty Ratio

PIHMA is proud of its 18:1 student to faculty ratio. Small class sizes allow for students and faculty to work closely together and provide more opportunities for students to ask questions. Small class sizes are known to increase participation, engagement, and cohesiveness.