Acupuncture for Stress Relief
Stress can be defined as “a state of mental or emotional strain or tension resulting from adverse or very demanding circumstances.” Unfortunately, stress is all too common in society. People are stressed from work, finances, relationships, children, school, etc. When stress is handled properly it can be short-lived, however, if stress becomes chronic it can cause many health issues including, high blood pressure, an upset stomach, headaches, insomnia, anxiety, and more. If you or someone you know is suffering from stress, consider Acupuncture as a treatment option.
Acupuncture Relieves Stress
Acupuncture is approved by the World Health Organization (WHO) to relieve stress. Dr. Ioannis Solos, Ph.D., Md., LAc., explains that “The nervous system is comprised of two main components, the sympathetic nervous system (fight or flight) and the parasympathetic nervous system (rest & digest). Stress may be a contributor to nervous system dysregulation. Acupuncture helps by helping the body move through the stress response, in turn allowing our body to return to a more balanced function.”
According to Traditional Chinese Medicine, when a person is stressed, their Qi stagnates. Qi, pronounced Chi, is the vital substance of life that energizes the body and its functions. When Qi stagnates, it causes tension and pain. This will then cause your body to create cortisol, the body’s natural stress hormone, which will increase your blood pressure and cause your immune system to become suppressed. Over time, symptoms can worsen and become insomnia, anxiety, fatigue, and digestive issues.
Acupuncture treatments will energize the Qi and remove any blockages. This will relieve the pain and tension caused by stress and allow the body to relax. The amount of treatments needed to relieve stress varies based on the patient. Generally, PIHMA recommends one to two treatments per week. Treatments last around an hour.
Auricular Acupuncture for Stress
If you do not have time for a full Acupuncture treatment, Auricular or ear Acupuncture is also proven to reduce stress. Auricular Acupuncture is based on the understanding that the ear is a microcosm of the human body. It is a mini-map of the entire body and its energetic system, similar to how the circuit board can control the electric wiring for an entire house. By stimulating certain points in the ear, you can release stress at the corresponding part of the body. Auricular treatments are only 20-30 minutes long and can help with stress, anger, insomnia, PTSD, addiction, and pain.
How Many Treatments Do I Need to Relieve Stress?
The number of treatments depends on how long you have experienced stress and how severe your Qi blockages are. In your first appointment at the PIHMA Clinic, you will be given a treatment plan with the recommended number of treatments you should receive. Most patients will schedule one or two treatments a week to start. As symptoms, subside fewer treatments may be needed. Patients should begin to experience some stress relief after their first treatment.
Relieve Stress at the PIHMA Clinic
PIHMA has been healing its patients for over 25 years. Located at 301 E. Bethany Home Road in Phoenix, Arizona, PIHMA’s Clinic can treat stress with Acupuncture, Herbal Medicine, and Homeopathy. PIHMA patients receive a full diagnosis in their first appointment. After that, they will receive regular treatments that follow the treatment plan created in their first appointment. Our Acupuncturist will select the best acupoints to relieve stress specific to your body. At PIHMA, we offer complimentary Gua-Sha, Tui-Na, and Cupping treatments with your Acupuncture treatment if your Acupuncturist recommends additional tools to release your Qi. To schedule an appointment please call 602-274-1885 or click here.
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